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Medical Assistance

EU students
can have medical assistance if :

  • they have a European Health Insurance Card  (in Italian language T.E.A.M.= Tessera Europea Assicurazione Malattia) issued by the country of origin that allows the student to receive all necessary medical treatments.  If necessary, they can go directly to a General Pratictioner (G.P. /doctor) who is operating with the National Health Service (SSN) who can supply the treatment, whether general or specialist or go directly to any hospital located in the area.
  • they have the E106 Form with this, they have the right to receive a complete sanitary service. The E106 Form is issued by the health authorities of the country of origin. The E 106 form can be requested by anyone who is insured in their own country.

For a period of stay lasting more than three months , it is possible to enrol at  SSN presenting the  E106 form.


Non-EU students
can obtain sanitary assistance through :

  • Applying to the National Health Service (SSN) that supplies  complete sanitary assistance at a payment of an annual tax (deadline 31 December). You must refer to theAUSLof Bologna for the relative procedures.
  • Health insurance cover to be acquired from an insurance company.

Useful information

For serious and unexpected cases, you can obtain help from the" Emergency welfare service" by calling tel. no. 118 .

The service of Doctor on Duty ( non-stop welfare service) is operative at night from 20.00pm to 8.00 am, days before a holiday from 14.00 to 20.00 and public holidays from 10.00 am until  8.00 am of the following morning).

The non-stop welfare service EAST: districts. San Vitale, San Donato, Santo Stefano and Savena - Via Beroaldo, 4/2 - 40127 - BOLOGNA
Telephone: 848832832

Piazza Rossini, 2 - 40126 - Bologna
Tel. 051/22.14.83; 051/23.39.75
Fax 051/22.31.68
Pec: conservatoriobologna@pec.it
C.F. 80074850373

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