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Masterclass di Ned Paul Ginsburg

The Composer / Orchestrator collaboration

Mercoledì 5 aprile, 
Ore 10-13, 14-17
Aula 1, II piano

Join composer/arranger Ned Paul Ginsburg for a close examination of the relationship between composing and orchestrating, as it relates to commercial work in musical theater, film, television and live concerts. Ned will present several “before and after” scores from Broadway and Hollywood highlighting the adjustments and enhancements that an orchestrator can bring to a songwriter’s or scoring composer’s work. Topics will include: the necessary background and training for entering the profession; writing for ensembles large and small; for drums and guitar; for background choral singers; reducing scores from one configuration to another; working from lead sheets, piano parts and/or demos; integrating synthesizers with orchestral sounds; transcription and transposition; orchestrating one's own compositions -- when does one hat go on and the other off?
In the lecture the relationship between composing and orchestrating is demonstrated through “before and after” examples of work on various projects in film, television and live theater, including, for Liza Minnelli/Phil Ramone; Elliot Goldenthal (the Oscar-nominated score to the Warner Bros. film “Michael Collins”); and "Galavant" for ABCTV (Alan Menken, composer/Executive Producer). Also included, “Aladdin” (currently on Broadway and in London), and “Wonder Pets” (Nickelodeon cartoon, worldwide.). Score samples match playback audio, and can be projected onto a screen. While Ned has plenty of personal composing to his credit, the emphasis in this lecture is the professional, commercial arena of orchestration and arranging.

Persons who might benefit from this information would include composers learning to orchestrate their own music; aspiring orchestrators; songwriters or lyricists and other musical theater folk eager to get perspective on the transformation of piano accompaniment into orchestrated accompaniment; musicians of any nationality wanting to learn what the American system of music-making is all about.

There are different forms a visit could take:
a) a single one, two, or three-hour session in front of a group of any size;
b) a group lecture followed by one-on-one meetings with individual students and their scores;
c) activities spread out over more than one day, to include perhaps performances of works by a jazz or studio ensemble.

For inquiries, please contact Ned directly at:
Ned Paul Ginsburg, New York City 212 714 2951
www.nylamusic.com (This website is currently under reconstruction.)

BIO: Ned Paul Ginsburg Born in New York and raised and educated in Los Angeles, Jerusalem, Paris, and Rochester, Ned Paul Ginsburg made his public debut as a composer on the radio program “First Applause” at age sixteen. He has received awards or recognition from The National Endowment for the Arts, N.A.R.A.S., Songwriters Guild of America, International Association of Jazz Educators, and Downbeat Magazine. Commissioned theater pieces as composer include THEY CHOSE ME for TADA, A TALMUD TALE for Maqom, and ARNIE!, THE TV MUSICAL for Silver Burdett Ginn. His musical BOYNTON BEACH CLUB, co-written with filmmaker Susan Seidelman and lyricists Michael Colby and Cornelia Ravenal debuted in 2017 and will be produced again in 2019.

Orchestrations: KISS ME KATE (Broadway), ALADDIN (Broadway and West End), BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, LIZA AT THE PALACE, MINNELLI ON MINNELLI, GALAVANT (ABC-TV), THE ACADEMY AWARDS SHOW, LITTLE MERMAID, WONDER PETS (Nickelodeon & worldwide), SAMMY (The Old Globe), PAPER MOON, INSIDE OUT, A LETTER TO HARVEY MILK, THE NEW YORK SPRING SPECTACULAR, THE TIMES, CASPER, SWEENEY TODD, S'WONDERFUL, RADIO CITY EASTER SHOW, NIGHT OF 1000 STARS, SUNDAY NIGHT AT THE PALLADIUM, THE NEW YORK POPS, THE BROADWAY KIDS cd series, several Warner Bros. films (including the Oscar-nominated score of MICHAEL COLLINS), and for many composers and entertainers, including: Alan Menken, Elliot Goldenthal, Bobby Lopez, Leslie Bricusse, Jason Robert Brown, Jerry Bock & Sheldon Harnick, Glen Roven, Bernadette Peters, Liza Minnelli, Diahann Carroll, Lea Salonga, Kathie Lee Gifford, Elaine Stritch, Isabelle Leonard, Faith Prince, Tony Danza, Rebecca Luker, and many others.
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