Klaus Schuhwerk was born in 1961 in Radolfzell near
Lake Constance. He is considered to be one of the leading brass teachers in
Germany. After numerous engagements with the Hessian Radio Symphony Orchestra
and with the Southwest Radio Orchestra, as well as playing with various chamber
music ensembles for many years, Klaus Schuhwerk has dedicated himself since
1997 first and foremost to teaching. He has taught at the Johannes
Gutenberg-University of Mainz, at the State Academy of Music Karlsruhe and at
the Academy of Music in Munich.
Since October 2000
Klaus Schuhwerk has been directing his own trumpet class as a professor at
the Academy of Music in Basel. In addition to this in 2003 he was offered a
professorship at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt. Many
of his students now have leading positions in worldwide radio, theatre and
concert orchestras. Klaus Schuhwerk also dedicates himself to working with
young brass players in various youth orchestras, such as the German National
Youth Orchestra, the Young German Philharmonic or the Jeunesses Musicales World
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