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Masterclass di Fan Lei

Il clarinetto: didattica e performance

Calendario delle lezioni:
16 e 17/10/2023
Ore 10:30 - 13:00 | 14:30 - 16:30

Regarded as an icon of China's rise in the world of classical music, Fan Lei is in constant demand as a soloist, recitalist and music pedagogue around the world and the professor of Central Conservatory of Music. He is China's first doctoral tutor for clarinet performance. Fan Lei is the president of the China Clarinet Research Society, a department of the China Symphony Development Foundation, the member of Academic Committee of Central Conservatory of Music, the former tenured professor at Lawrence University in Wisconsin, USA and the Clarinet Artist teacher at The Morningside Bridge in Mount Royal, Canada. Fan Lei was on the faculty at the Banff Art Center of Canada 6 years and has been a judge of the International Clarinet Competition in Marknoiskirchen, Germany, the International Clarinet Competition in Belgium, the Golden Bell Award for Chinese Music, and the Beijing International Youth Clarinet Competition.

Fan Lei is the founder and Artistic Director of the Central Conservatory of Music Chamber Music Festival, the International Wind & Percussion Music Festival, the Mozart International Clarinet Competition, Qingdao Clarinet Master Class and Clarinet Music Festival, Xi’an International Clarinet and Saxophone Festival. He regularly teaches master classes at institutions such the Curtis Institute, The Juilliard School, Yale University, Bari conservatory and many other Institutions. Fan Lei is also a clarinet scholar. He took charge on translating clarinet fundamental books of German clarinet Prof. Reiner Wehle, which was published by China People ’s Music Publishing House in 2020. 

Fan Lei was awarded the Grand Prize at the Chinese National Clarinet Competition, during which he was chosen to represent the People’s Republic of China at the Toulon International Competition in France, where he also won honors. He would later win top prize at the International Young Clarinetist Competition in Seattle, Washington and was a finalist in the 1991 Young Concert Artists International Auditions in New York.

 Distinguished Professor Award of the China Ministry of Education from 2010 to 2015. In 2018 and 2019, he was awarded the Golden School Emblem Award, CCOM’s highest pedagogical accolade.He has been chairman of the Buffet  Clarinet Competition in China in 2021 and 2023.

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-> Per gli esterni è previsto un contributo di partecipazione di € 50,00 per chi assiste come uditore; non sono ammessi esterni effettivi. Per gli ex allievi del Conservatorio “G. B. Martini” di Bologna, diplomati negli ultimi 12 mesi, è previsto un contributo di partecipazione di € 50,00. Il versamento può essere effettuato secondo le seguenti modalità:
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