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Masterclass di David D'Angelo

Martedì 9 aprile
09:00 - 13:00
Sala Fugazza

Mercoledì 10 aprile
09:00 - 13:00
Aula Banda

Giovedì 11 aprile 
10:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 17:00
Aula IIP2

La Masterclass tratterà principalmente il tema del suonare in Big Band (lettura, pronuncia, interplay, improvvisazione).

David D'Angelo is a jazz performer, music educator, woodwind doubler, Broadway musician, movie soundtrack musician, film actor, orchestral clarinetist, and published author. He holds a bachelor's degree in Music Education (clarinet) and a Master's degree in woodwinds from Youngstown State University, where he studied with Joe Edwards. Other teachers include Louie Paul of the Pittsburgh Symphony and Peter Seminaur of the New York Philharmonic. As an educator, D'Angelo developed the instrumental music program at Atlanta's Pace Academy in addition to working at Woodward Academy. While in New York, he was instructor of clarinet and saxophone at Wagner College, Staten Island, for seven years. In 1999, performed at the I.A.J.E. Conference in Anaheim as director of Section 8 Jazz, receiving the national award for outstanding achievement in jazz education. As an alto saxophonist, D'Angelo was a member of the Buddy Rich Orchestra, taking part in several world tours from 1980 - 1982. During this time, he was featured on Rich's on MCA Records release The Buddy Rich Band. David has two recordings out as a bandleader: Section 8 (Doubletime records), and Step Up. D'Angelo spent 27 years working in New York as a woodwind doubler on Broadway shows. In 1996, he was asked to participate in the Buddy Rich Reunion Band's Grammy-nominated recording Burning For Buddy, which was produced by Neal Peart of Rush. The album featured such guest drummers as Billy Cobham,
Dave Weckl, Omar Hakim, Bill Bruford, and Matt Sorum. In 1999 D'Angelo was cast as an onscreen jazz saxophonist in the Disney movie A Cradle Will Rock, written and directed by Tim Robbins. David is also the author of a study in harmony for clarinet, Chords and Keys for Clarinet.

Modalità di partecipazione

La Masterclass è riservata solɘ studentɘ  internɘ, eventuali partecipanti esternɘ possono iscriversi come uditori. 
L’iscrizione avviene tramite la compilazione del modulo Google al link sottoindicato. Si ricorda che l’iscrizione deve essere inviata almeno 48 ore prima dell’inizio della Masterclass.  

La frequenza è gratuita per allievɘ internɘ del Conservatorio “G.B. Martini” di Bologna e per studentɘ dell’Università di Bologna. 
Per esternɘ uditorɘ è previsto un contributo di €50,00 . Il versamento può essere effettuato secondo la seguente modalità:
Conto corrente bancario Cassa di Ravenna S.p.A. IT 22 E 06270 13199 T20990000657 intestato a Conservatorio di Musica "G.B. Martini". 
L'attestazione di versamento del contributo di partecipazione dovrà essere allegata in fondo al modulo di iscrizione Google (link sottoindicato), che dovrà essere inviato almeno 48 ore prima dell’inizio della Masterclass.

Alla fine del corso verrà rilasciato dall’Ufficio Master e Masterclass un attestato di partecipazione.

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