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Master di I Livello: InMICS


The Bologna Conservatory has established collaborations with two film institutions of national and international significance: the Cineteca di Bologna Foundation and the Home Movies Foundation. The core principle of these collaborations is to involve students in concrete projects that vary from year to year, exposing them to real-world production challenges.


The Home Movies Foundation's (www.homemovies.it) aim is to preserve and transmit a hidden and inaccessible audiovisual heritage. The unpublished, private, and personal audiovisual documentation collected is gradually made public and made available through projects and initiatives.
Since 2022, the Bologna Conservatory and Home Movies have been collaborating on projects with local, national, and international resonance.

The first collaborative project (2022) is "9 e 1/2" (https://vimeo.com/755162687/6ac42f24d6), a full feature film produced by Home Movies / Inedits and scored by two InMics and two Sound Design students. The film was screened at around thirty festivals worldwide. Additionally, a live version of the film was presented in the form of a cineconcert with four performances in France and Italy.
The second project (2023) is 'L’Almanacco' (www.homemovies100.it). The project comprises 365 short archive films – private, amateur, experimental – each corresponding to the date of their publication. Approximately 60 of these short films have been scored by students from the Bologna Conservatory, including those from InMics. A selection of these films was broadcast on Italian national television (RAI).

Home Movies is also the organizer of "Archivio Aperto” (www.archivioaperto.it) a festival dedicated to the rediscovery of small-format cinematographic heritage—private, amateur, experimental, and artistic.
Students are involved in concrete projects, which vary according to the foundation's schedule, ranging from the scoring of film to audio-visual installations and live performances.
The experience they gain is highly professionalizing, as they have to deal with a real-word project, and given the uniqueness of the visual material, it is also profoundly enriching.


The Cineteca di Bologna Foundation (cinetecadibologna.it), one of the world's major film archives, is a place for archival preservation and restoration, as well as the promotion and dissemination of cinema and audiovisual works.

Students are engaged in projects that vary according to the foundation's schedule; the depth of professional enrichment is found in working with high-quality productions and materials during the experience.

The foundation is also the organizer of “il Cinema Ritrovato” (festival.ilcinemaritrovato.it), a film festival dedicated to the rediscovery of rare and lesser-known films, with a particular focus on the early days of film production. The festival features a valuable selection of rare or considered lost works from the historical archives of film libraries in various countries.